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I was born in 1983 in Montreal North. Contrary to what my mom told me about her memories when she immigrated to Quebec in 1970, white people played with black people. I lived from 11 to 23 years in the Côtes-des-Neiges neighbourhood in Montreal. It’s a cultural "melting pot", so I call this neighborhood the "melting pot" of "melting pot". I had interracial friendships and loves, which caused misunderstanding around me. In the labour market, I have only worked for subsidiaries where 95% of visible minorities are hired. In 2009, a boss gave me a bitter taste of his love for Haitians… Since then, I have been working for myself, in my passions.”emocracy has been very unfavourable to blacks around the world. I was blinded by this racism for a long time, until an event put me up against a wall. I then began to write for my people, to get rid of the anger in me. We have to start by seeing, with precision, how we are all the same. Today, I want to share my intuitive forecasts for my country of origin: Haiti. Future events for the country are based on the famous saying, "The last will be the first."
Healthcare systems are still reeling from changes spurred by the pandemic, progression in healthcare technology, and evolving patient needs. But the healthcare industry isn’t immune to external trends in employment, especially when it comes to attracting and retaining talent, supporting employee well-being, and providing a fair workplace culture and practices. Broader trends in employment affect how healthcare systems manage talent and deliver outstanding care to patients. Prepare to address these three employment issues to improve healthcare delivery at your organization. Talent Pools Continue to Dwindle Unemployment is at an all-time low across industries, but that shortage of talent is hitting healthcare especially hard. Hospitals around the United States continue to add healthcare jobs but struggle to fulfill them. Based on recent research, There are estimates that within the next few years (by 2026), some states will see a gap of 500,000 healthcare workers. To overcome this challenge, healthcare systems have to get creative with their hiring and training practices. Be intentional about recruiting from specific groups that are often overlooked. These groups often bring different experiences and ideas to the workplace. By hiring veterans, for instance, you can build a stronger sense of mission and purpose. Seek partnership opportunities with local healthcare colleges and training programs. You can hire candidates with skills and aptitudes and help them achieve technical training along the way. This can help you move employees from less-skilled, lower-level positions, like nurse assistant, into more skill-dependent roles, such as a licensed practical nurses. Employees Struggle to Cope With Stress Employees across the board are coming to terms with stress and mental health. But healthcare employees’ unique experience of working on frontlines during the pandemic has caused more than stress: many healthcare employees have experienced significant trauma. The healthcare industry needs to recognize that employees can experience a deep emotional wound as they bear witness to intense human suffering. To avoid burnout and care for your employees’ mental health, it’s important to give employees time to detach from work and process what they’ve experienced. Train managers to recognize signs of extreme stress and PTSD and to check in frequently with team members. Equity Remains Challenging to Achieve Employees from historically marginalized communities often receive unequal treatment compared to their peers. Pay gaps, for example, persist in healthcare. Despite making up more than half (67%) of the global healthcare workforce, women make up to 24% less than what men make, research from the World Health Organization found. Not addressing pay equity in your hospital system can alienate your potential workforce. Employees in lower-level roles, like housekeeping, maintenance, and nursing assistants, often feel undervalued, too, Brookings reports. That disparity is further compounded by the fact that many of these employees are members of historically marginalized groups. Regularly audit your pay practices as well as other data that could point to inequities (such as who you promote or who gets first pick for shift work). Using demographic data, you can see where inequities exist in your organization so you can take steps to fix the problem. Despite concerns over these employment trends, organizations across industries are learning that valuing employees and providing a positive experience goes a long way in overcoming employment challenges.
Keep an eye open for these healthcare stocks The pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital health and virtual care around the globe - a trend that is likely to continue throughout this decade. Healthcare providers are now embracing technology at a pace not seen before. Healthcare delivery is no longer restricted to the four walls of hospitals. All of this is likely to impact healthcare stocks. But what are the best healthcare stocks to buy right now? How do you begin to invest in medical stocks? In this '6 Top Healthcare Stocks for 2022'; article, we answer these questions and more! The Different Types of Top Healthcare Stocks In this section, we cover the different types of medical stocks available to invest in. It's important that when building a portfolio of the best medical stocks that you diversify into different types of the best health stocks which are highlighted below. Pharmaceutical Healthcare Stocks Pharmaceutical companies produce almost all over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs. Large pharmaceutical firms are usually less risky to invest in, as compared with their younger or smaller counterparts. These companies spend a major portion of their resources on R&D (Research & Development), to bring innovative treatments to the market. So, if a company releases a new drug with huge earning potential, its stock will perform well. You may find a small group of healthcare shares collectively called ''Big Pharma''; which consists of large-cap pharma companies. However, even when investing in ''Big Pharm''. you should have knowledge concerning: The scope of the drugs The scale of the people affected by the disease the drug addresses The availability of substitutes and drugs by competitors Intellectual property rights related to the process of manufacturing and the drug's patent Profit and revenue division pacts with other companies Clinical trials are conducted before a drug is launched, and their outcomes, also affect Share prices in the healthcare segment. Positive outcomes tend to drive prices up, while negative outcomes could even potentially lead to a crash. Investment in pharma companies, therefore, requires active analysis by investors. Service-Based Healthcare Stocks Hospitals and clinics are the foundation of any healthcare system. Therefore, when their stock is available for investing in, they do tend to offer good investment potential. Here, too, the larger companies, such as Acadia healthcare stock, would offer more stable potential and lesser risk. Of course, risk is always a part of any investment, and using good risk management strategies is vital. Healthcare service providers are subject to enormous regulatory risks. Hospitals often make quick and costly hardware and software changes for better facilities, and to attract more patients. This might, however, make the hospitals prone to bad debt, and may also affect their dividends. Medical insurance firms are also important players in the healthcare services sector. They pay the bills, so, the better the underwriting, the lower the medical costs incurred by the insurance company will be. This is why it's important to analyze the medical cost ratio, and medical loss ratio before investing in such healthcare sector stocks. The insurance industry is also highly volatile, due to changes that take place in regulatory frameworks. However, investing in these stocks tends to be less volatile than investing in hospital stocks. If you want to invest in medicine and you choose this area, it is important that you keep an active eye on the regulatory framework to minimize losses associated with these stocks. Medical Device Healthcare Stocks With increasing life expectancy, medical devices are becoming more important than ever before. Medical device firms generally witness a slow growth rate. The products offered by them range from bandages to artificial joints, from digital blood pressure monitors to heart stents, and much more. Such devices will always be in demand, but an instant boom of any specific device is unlikely. These firms also spend a large share of their resources on R&D, as well as the stages after R&D. Here, there are older, more stable firms, as well as small startups with great growth potential. Healthcare software providers offer greater potential for growth than hardware manufacturers. Today, hospitals worldwide are adopting automated systems to offer better services to patients. On the other hand, advances in technology are bringing AI and robotics into the healthcare system, changing the way medical care is provided. You need to study the technology, the substitute products, and the competitors of a firm before investing. Adoption rates and gross margins typically determine the success of these healthcare technology stocks. Biotechnology Healthcare Stocks Investment in biotechnology stocks is generally considered high yielding, although it does entail risks as well. You may also consider investing in stocks of companies that are involved in R&D for the treatment of chronic and terminal ailments, such as cancer, AIDS, diabetes, heart disease, neurological diseases, immunological diseases, viral infections, stem cells and tissue regeneration. If these projects are successful, they will greatly impact the lives of people worldwide, which in turn would drive up the share price. You might even consider investing in companies with a strong network of collaborative support, indicating that it is financially and logistically stable. Biotech stocks nearing the end of their R&D stage, or awaiting approval from the regulatory authorities are also likely to be better investment options. However, remember that if the clinical trial fails to produce the desired outcome or there are regulatory hurdles, the share price might decline. Healthcare Penny Stocks: Cheap Healthcare Stocks Below are some healthcare penny stocks to consider: Antares Pharma (OTC: ATRS): Antares is focused on developing and commercializing self- administered parenteral pharmaceutical technologies. Revive Therapeutics (OTC: RVVTF): Revive has a focus on finding treatments for rare diseases and infections. It's always important to remember that a trader's ability to earn a profit depends on their skill level. It is impossible to predict whether or not these stocks mentioned in this article will give you a return on your investment. It's also important to remember that when investing in healthcare penny stocks, such stocks are often traded on over the counter exchanges, which are not as heavily regulated as traditional stock markets like the London Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ. Because of this, these markets can be riskier and traders should decide if they can afford to take on such a risk before buying shares in these markets. Healthcare Dividend Stocks The following companies operating the healthcare market have been paying dividends for over 10 years. Some traders consider these healthcare dividend stocks: AbbVie (NYSE: ABBV): This biopharmaceutical company came from Abbott Laboratories back in 2013, spinning off into their own company. They are well known for one of the world's top-selling drugs, Humira. Humira treats Chron's disease, arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. Humira generated $19.8 billion in revenue in 2020. Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ): This is one of the older businesses on this list of healthcare stocks. Johnson & Johnson has been around for more than 130 years. In 2020, the company shifted its focus to the COVID-19 pandemic, and eventually produced one of the top 3 vaccines for the virus. UnitedHealth Group (NYSE:UNH): Although UnitedHealth Group is still young compared to the other companies on this list, it has been publicly traded for more than 35 years and has one of the largest employee bases of other companies in this sector: 330,000. These are not the best healthcare dividend stocks. They are merely some of the popular healthcare dividend stocks. AI Healthcare Stocks What are AI healthcare stocks? To understand AI in healthcare, we need to first understand what AI is. While computers excel at performing calculations, not all of them can do what humans do with ease: language processing, manipulating and moving objects, reasoning and others. AI (Artificial intelligence) uses computers to complete tasks that usually demand human intelligence. Therefore, an AI healthcare stock is a stock in a company that operates in the healthcare sector and offers a product or service that incorporates AI. 6 Top Healthcare Stocks to Buy Now What is the best healthcare stock to buy now? What are the top healthcare stocks for this year? It's difficult to say which healthcare stock will ultimately be the best one as every investor will have different risk tolerance. However, we can start to answer this question by looking at some of the top healthcare stocks to watch right now. Remember that share prices go up and down so exercise proper risk management tools to deal with winning and losing trades. 1. 1Life (NASDAQ:ONEM) The company '1Life' does business under the name One Medical. It's a chain of primary healthcare clinics based in San Francisco. It is a membership-based service with both in- person care services and online resources. Online resources include a mobile app. One Medical's founder is Tom Lee, who started the company in 2007. It grew from one San Francisco clinic to over 72 locations all across the USA. On January 31, 2020, One Medical started trading shares in their company on the Nasdaq stock exchange. 2. Acadia Healthcare (NASDAQ: ACAD) The company, Acadia Healthcare is a behavioral healthcare provider operating internationally. It has a network of more than 584 locations throughout the United Kingdom, United States and Puerto Rico. Acadia focuses on providing addiction and behavioral health services in various settings. Acadia was created in January 2005 and has headquarters in Franklin, Tennessee. 3. Vertex Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: VRTX) Vertex Pharmaceuticals shines as a top biotech stock. The company focuses primarily on the development of drugs to treat the root cause of cystic fibrosis (CF), which is a rare disease that damages organs in the body, such as the lungs. Their latest drug Trikafta may increase the number of people their drugs can treat. Vertex is also in the process of developing drugs to treat other rare genetic diseases. 4. Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ: ISRG) This is a great example of a healthcare company with advanced technology. Intuitive Surgical's da Vinci surgical system is a robotic system that's been used in over 7 million procedures since 1999. While the pandemic hurt their business by reducing the number of elective surgeries, the vaccine rollout could create an environment for Intuitive to recover. 5. UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH) UnitedHealth is one of the largest health insurance companies in the world. Some traders are attracted to their stocks due to their stability, dividends, and size of the company. The company makes revenues in the $257 billion range every year and serves more than 75 million people from its 350,000 employees. The company has been an industry leader for decades and is part of the Dow Jones 30 index. 6. Teladoc Health (NYSE: TDOC) Teladoc is a popular healthcare stock. They are another example of a company offering their services via modern technology. They offer healthcare services, remotely, via the internet and phone. The company acquired Livongo Health in 2020, which gave them a platform for remotely assisting people with chronic conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic has boosted virtual care services. Even after the COVID-19 pandemic ends, individuals and companies in the healthcare market may still be looking to cut costs. Delivering healthcare services remotely is one way to do this. Other major healthcare stocks to consider are: -Allied healthcare stock -AMN Healthcare stock -Molina Healthcare stock -Omega healthcare stock -Ryman Healthcare stock -Tenet Healthcare stock These are some large healthcare-related companies offering shares.
Treaty Merchant (E-1) and Treaty Investor (E-2) visas are available to citizens of countries in the U.S. that have trade and navigation treaties. E-visa applicants must be citizens of a country with which the United States has treaties of commerce and navigation. To be eligible for an E-1 visa, an applicant must come to the United States for commerce between the United States and that country under a treaty. If there is a subsidiary of the United States at least 50% owned by nationals of a treaty country, and this company imports at least 51% of its products from its country of origin, employees of this company who are citizens of a treaty country will be eligible to obtain E-1 visas. When a corporation is owned and controlled equally by citizens of two different treaty countries, employees of either nationality can obtain E visas to work for that corporation. A qualifying E-2 company can also request an E-2 visa for employees, executives, or managers with special, essential jobs who are nationals of treaty countries and whose services are needed in the U.S. Employees of E-2 companies may be granted an E-2 visa if they are, or will be, engaged in duties that are of an executive, management, or supervisory nature. In the case where the employee seeking an E-2 visa classification as an employee of a treaty trading firm or an investor would not perform duties that are of an executive or supervisory nature, the employee can still be granted an E-2 visa classification as long as the employee demonstrates specialized knowledge and the services to be performed are necessary for the effective functioning of the business. E visa classification is available to would-be nonimmigrants, provided there is a treaty of commerce and navigation between the United States and a foreign state that the applicant is a national. In recent years, given increased trade and investment between the United States and the countries to which the treaties are entered, many foreign corporations, investors, and entrepreneurs have favored the E visa classification, as it provides many foreign corporations easy and continued access to the United States. Both the E-1 and the E-2 visas are available to citizens from large numbers of more than 40 countries. An E-visa applicant does not have to demonstrate an intention to travel to the U.S. for any specified temporary period, and the applicant does not need to maintain residency in the foreign country that the applicant does not intend to leave. An applicant who is a beneficiary of an immigration petition shall satisfy you that he/she has the intention to leave the United States when the time permitted by his/her authorization ends, rather than remaining in the United States for purposes of adjusting status or otherwise remaining in the United States. Once approved, an investor and family may seek to establish conditional permanent residence either through filing an application for adjustment of status in the United States or through the acquisition of immigrant visas from the U.S. Consulates. The applicant's spouse and children younger than 21 may apply for derivative E-2 visas. The only Bolivian citizens (other than those eligible for derivative status on the basis of family ties to an E-2 primary applicant) who can obtain an E-2 visa at this time are those applicants coming to the U.S. to conduct E-2 activities to promote covered investments established or acquired before June 10, 2012. The applicant must come to the United States to engage in significant commerce, including commerce in services or technology, in eligible activities principally between the United States and a treaty country (E-1) or to develop and manage an enterprise where the applicant has invested substantial capital (E-2). Before entering the United States, treaty traders or investors, as well as Australian workers engaged in special professions, must apply for and obtain a visa for an E-1, E-2, or E-3 visa at an American consulate or Embassy abroad. There are a number of conditions to be met to obtain an E visa, including that a treaty must exist between the U.S. and the individual's country of citizenship. An entry officer at the entry point can deny a Visa bearer permission to enter if they are satisfied that the bearer is not capable of meeting immigration requirements for entry, or that presence of that individual or visitor would be against national interest. A holder of multiple visas cannot remain in the United Republic of Tanzania for twelve (12) continuous months. This Visa is granted to foreign citizens entering the country for academic activities, such as research students, interns, volunteers, EAC students, exchange students (EAC and Exchange students are FREE), and prospective students admitted to recognized and legally registered institutions. Nationals from these countries cannot extend their E-visas or obtain new E-visas for managing their investments. In a number of countries, the State Department has blocked foreign entrepreneurs from entering the U.S. with E visas, one of the only ways for foreign citizens to set up businesses in the U.S. The downturn is extremely surprising and unprecedented, considering E visas are given to foreign nationals who invest significant amounts into U.S. businesses that would create jobs for the U.S. The treatment of E visa holders and investors with the EB-5 (employment-based fifth preference) program has occurred simultaneously with the sharp decline of U.S. foreign direct investment, essential for creating jobs and growth. Over the last two years, E visa holders' entries have fallen sharply, even as the United States is bound by its treaty obligations. Unlike Canada, Australia, and Britain, there is no Start-up Visa in U.S. law, which allows for both temporary and permanent residency upon creation of employment in a new U.S.-based company. In other words, if a country places restrictive visa requirements on U.S. citizens, the U.S. reciprocates by placing even stricter requirements on the citizens of that country.
Introduction Here's a guide to starting your own business after the covid. 1. Are you ready for things to not go back to normal? Getting through the initial shock of the collapse can be a big hurdle. You may find yourself going through the motions of your day, but with a feeling that something is missing. This is normal and will pass with time. Make sure you are ready for things to not go back to normal, even if that means doing more work or making more sacrifices than before. You need to be open- minded about everything from business opportunities, finances and new ways of doing things with your family members or friends in order for them to survive this period in their life together. 2. Identify your revenue streams and expenses. ● Identify your revenue streams and expenses. ● Now that you have a better sense of your business’s projected costs and revenue, it’s time to estimate cash flow. Your cash flow is the amount of money coming in minus the amount of money going out (expenses). You want this number to be positive as much as possible! Here are some questions to ask when determining your monthly cashflow: ● What will my fixed expenses be? ● How much am I paying myself? ● What percentage of sales go toward marketing/advertising? What about vendor fees? ● Will I need a physical space for customers to visit or will everything take place online? 3. Know your market inside out. It's important to know your market inside and out. You need to be aware of the competition, what customers want, how you're going to deliver your product or service and who your target audience is before you set up shop. 4. Put together a business plan that focuses on cash flow, not long-term strategy. ● A business plan is a tool that helps you make decisions and stay on target. ● It's a way of keeping track of your progress toward your goals, as well as communicating with investors and partners about what you're accomplishing and what's still needed to reach those goals. ● It also helps communicate with employees to let them know what their roles in the company will be, how they can contribute to its success, and how their work contributes toward achieving the overall strategy for the business. 5. Figure out what your nonfinancial costs are and cut them whenever possible. When you're starting a business, you may feel that your financial costs are the only ones that matter. However, nonfinancial costs can be just as important—and they can be almost impossible to control once you've launched your business. ● Your time: Time is money, and every hour spent working for free represents lost opportunity for income. This is why it's critical to figure out how much time you'll need or want to spend on your new business before launch so that you have an idea of what kind of budget and scheduling plan will work best for both the company and its founder. ● Your physical health: Work-related stress can cause serious health issues over time; if this happens when running a small business or freelancing full- time, then it could mean having no source of income at all! Make sure that being healthy is part of your long-term plan by ensuring everything fits together with less stress overall (such as working from home). ● Your mental health: The same goes here; not only does mental health affect productivity levels but also helps prevent burnout down the road! So make sure there's space in between tasks each day so things do not build up too quickly…this will avoid unnecessary stress later on down the line too. 6. Stay safe, be long-term-minded -- and do what you can to weather the economic downturn ● Stay safe, be long-term-minded -- and do what you can to weather the economic downturn Since starting your business, you probably haven't been able to enjoy much of a financial cushion. That's why it's so important that you stay safe and try to keep your expenses low. Here are some tips for doing that: ● Consider getting health insurance through COBRA if it's available for your situation (check with your former employer). This can provide coverage for up to 18 months after leaving a job, but at an increased cost (it's typically 100% more than what you were paying before). It may also be possible for family members who lose their jobs in the same time frame as yours; check with them about this option too! ● If possible, make sure all bills are paid on time and organized so there aren't any late fees or other problems down the road when everything settles down again You can get through the pandemic by being flexible You can get through the pandemic by being flexible. If you don't have a plan, then it's time to make one. The pandemic is happening now and it's not going away anytime soon. You may be able to ride out this crisis in your current business model, but if that isn't working for you or your clients, then change it. Now is the time for flexibility and resilience; an opportunity to reinvent yourself as an entrepreneur and grow into new areas of expertise that will help you stand apart from all others in your industry—in other words: become an expert! Conclusion There are many ways to get through the pandemic and make sure your business stays afloat. But if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that you can’t do it alone. You need to have a strong support system around you at all times—and this goes for both your customers and employees. The best way to build up that support is by being trustworthy and transparent with everyone involved in this journey we call life.
Home care businesses are looking at significant growth in the coming years. 10,000 baby boomers each year reach the age of 65. By 2030, all baby boomers will be 65 and over—equaling 1 in 5 of the American population. This means for the first time in US history, the older population (65+) will surpass children under 18. As more people reach 65 and over, the demand for care also increases. Yet, the shortage of beds in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities is due to poor working conditions, which leaves many people in need of care. Not only that, many people want to stay in their homes for as long as possible. This is where Home Care Franchising can help alleviate the pressure on assisted-living facilities and families across America As a business owner—or someone interested in starting a home care business—this presents a huge opportunity to provide health care to aging patients in the comfort of their own homes, all while building a profitable home healthcare business in a growing industry. Thinking about starting a home health care business? By partnering with a home care franchise, you’ll get access to seasoned advice for creating a business plan, company description, marketing plan, and operational plan so your business can hit the ground running. All you have to do is decide which state is the best choice for starting a home care business. Why Senior Home Health Care Is a Growing Industry Before starting a home healthcare business franchise, it’s important to understand why home healthcare agencies are in growing demand in most states. There has been a big shift from traditional care to home care in the U.S. as older adults are forgoing long-term care facilities in favor of in-home care provided by medical professionals and personal care aides. Affordability plays a big part, as does the general shift in the public perception of the home healthcare industry. The population of the United States is aging at a faster rate than it is being replaced. This means that hospitals, live-in facilities, and rehab outpatient centers will quickly run out of space. Fortunately, the home healthcare business is prepared to pick up the slack. Given the nature of home care, and elders playing a larger part in choosing their own healthcare options, the industry is projected to continue to grow well into the future. In other words, starting a home care agency in a U.S. state is a strategic business move. Choosing to start your care business alongside an established franchise partner can be a quicker way to get your home healthcare business plan up and running, so you can start seeing profits. Home Health Care Services Are Affordable Once considered an afterthought, home care is increasingly top of mind when elders and their families are looking at safer care options. The coronavirus pandemic has made starting a home care business the obvious choice when it comes to keeping elders safe at home. Approximately 40 percent of deaths due to Covid-19 in the U.S. happened in nursing homes or other types of long-term facilities. Added to that, the inability of residents to be with their families after the doors to these places were closed as a result of the emergency placed a heavy burden on the future of this type of care. This has opened a doorway for the home care agency to thrive. Given what we’ve learned about the need for families to be active participants in the health care of their family members during the pandemic, it is almost certain that they will continue to choose a home healthcare agency over residential facilities in the future. As families start to move away from the nursing home and assisted living healthcare models of senior care, the home health care business has moved to the forefront of the possible options for the elderly, especially during and after the pandemic. With the right business plan, starting a home care agency is a viable business investment with excellent returns in the short to mid-term facilities. Home Health Care Keeps Seniors in Their Community One of the best parts about starting a home care agency or business is the wide selection of home health care services your professional caregivers can provide to clients in care—especially to elderly patients who require help with their day-to-day activities. Unlike nursing homes, a healthcare agency can provide transportation to: Local physicians appointments, Senior centers, Local yoga classes, Or coffee dates with friends. This helps seniors stay engaged in their community and prevents isolation which can lead to poor mental health. A professional caregiver can help seniors with everyday tasks such as: Personal care, including bathing, grooming, and getting dressed Support senior citizens with grocery shopping and other errands, Help seniors prepare meals in the comfort of their own homes. Not to mention assisting senior citizens with light medical care and nursing care, including physical therapy, blood pressure checks, mental state checks, wound care, medication monitoring, and other health services. This can be especially helpful for seniors who don’t need around-the-clock care but could use some personal care assistance a few times a week. Do Home Health Care Businesses Provide Better Care? Starting a home care agency is a rewarding business endeavor. Maintaining a senior’s highest level of care is also more practical with a one-on-one approach to home care services. Each home health care provider will only have to care for one patient at a time, increasing the quality of care while improving the patient’s quality of life. It also allows clients to take an active role in their care while maintaining their independence. With the future looming on the horizon, home care is no longer an issue to be decided on the fly, and because of its essential nature, it has become a part of a person’s life plan. How Profitable Is the Home Health Care Business Model? Starting a home health care can be very profitable if you’re willing to work hard and put in the hours. One survey revealed that top home care franchises grow incomes to over $100,000 annually. Since the target audience of a home health care franchise is older adults and people who need healthcare support, there is no shortage of clients in this recession-resilient industry. On top of that, senior health care has one of the highest owner satisfaction ratings. According to Franchise Business Review, almost 90% of home care franchise owners say they enjoy their business operations. With established training frameworks, ownership structure, and a proven business model, franchise owners are immediately set up for success. Owners can also keep costs low by operating from their homes in the beginning. The national average cost of home care runs at $22,000 per year, but at a state level, these figures can vary significantly. The Best States to Start a Home Health Care Business How does starting a home care agency in North Dakota compared to South Dakota? Will a senior medical care business in Rhode Island do better than one in West Virginia? We’ve broken down the data of franchising, and here are our top state picks. Let’s take a look: California Demographics : Once considered to be one of the youngest states, California’s senior population is projected to grow to an estimated 8.4 million people over the next decade, faster than the national rate, a number that will have doubled by 2040. Cost of Care : The average cost of home care in California is approximately $4,600 per month ($55,000 per year). In comparison, the average cost for a nursing home in the state runs about $125,000 per year, which can end up costing families millions of dollars during the patient’s lifetime. Licensing : In California, the Home Care Services Consumer Protection Act requires a home care franchise to be licensed in order to protect patients who allow home care aides into their homes. Oklahoma Demographics : There are approximately 800,000 seniors living in the state of Oklahoma, a number that represents 20% of the state’s total population, with this figure being projected to grow 37% over the next decade. Of these, about 200,000 live alone, with the number increasing as more and more people reach the age threshold and continue to work. Cost of Care : Home care for seniors in Oklahoma costs an average of $4,200 per month, which places it lower than the national average and totals $50,400 per year. On the other hand, the average cost for a nursing home runs an average of $60,000 per year. Licensing : The Oklahoma State Department of Health requires licensing for all senior communities and home care franchises throughout the state. Oklahoma Demographics : There are approximately 800,000 seniors living in the state of Oklahoma, a number that represents 20% of the state’s total population, with this figure being projected to grow 37% over the next decade. Of these, about 200,000 live alone, with the number increasing as more and more people reach the age threshold and continue to work. Cost of Care : Home care for seniors in Oklahoma costs an average of $4,200 per month, which places it lower than the national average and totals $50,400 per year. On the other hand, the average cost for a nursing home runs an average of $60,000 per year. Licensing : The Oklahoma State Department of Health requires licensing for all senior communities and home care franchises throughout the state. Texas Demographics : There are more than 3.8 million people in Texas over the age of 60, representing approximately 15% of the state’s population. As per the most recent projections, this number is expected to grow to 12 million over the next three decades, making this demographic the fastest-growing state. Cost of Care : The cost of home care in Texas can vary according to the exact location but runs an average of $48,000 per year, whereas the average cost for a semi-private room in a nursing home is around $57,000. Licensing : The Department of Health and Human Services of the state of Texas is in charge of licensing and certifying all senior home care franchises, as well as all live-in facilities throughout the state. Missouri Demographics : There are almost a million and a half seniors currently living in Missouri, a number projected to grow by an additional half a million over the next five years. Cost of Care : The state average for home care costs in Missouri is $4,200 per month, or $50,400 per year, which is about $100 less per month than the national average. Contrary to that, a semi-private room in a nursing home will cost $60,000, which is expected to increase soon. Licensing : The Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services is the office in charge of licensing and certifying all home care franchises in the state. Kansas Demographics : It has been estimated that there are currently half a million seniors living in the state of Kansas, with this number expected to grow by 100,000 over the next decade. Cost of Care : In the state of Kansas, a family can expect to pay an average of $48,000 every year for senior home care, whereas the cost of a nursing home would set them back an average of $67,000 per year for a semi-private room. Licensing : The responsibility for licensing, certifying, and inspecting senior care facilities and franchises in the state of Kansas is the Kansas Department of Health & Environment Bureau of Health Facility Regulation. Virginia Demographics : The state of Virginia has a total population of 7.7 million residents, of which approximately 12 percent are seniors over the age of 65. This translates to a little less than a million senior citizens living in the state, with this number expected to grow significantly over the next decade. Cost of Care : Home care costs in Virginia are significantly lower than the national average, with an annual total of approximately $48,000, or $2,000 per month. In opposition, the cost of a semi-private room at a nursing home averages $82,500 per year. Licensing : The Virginia Department of Health – Office of Licensure and Certification is the entity in charge of granting licenses and certifications to home care organizations, as well as conducting periodic inspections to ensure compliance with state laws.
Introduction A small healthcare business can be a great way to make a living. However, with tax laws changing all the time, it's important that you're paying your taxes correctly. If you don't, you could find yourself facing fines and penalties from the IRS or state government. Here are some of the most common taxes that healthcare businesses have to deal with: FICA FICA is a tax that is withheld from your paycheck and paid to the government. It's also referred to as ''FICA'', which stands for Federal Insurance Contribution Act. This tax goes toward paying for Social Security and Medicare benefits. Your employer must withhold 7.65% of your salary in FICA taxes, which adds up to 15% total when you combine it with your income tax filing at the end of the year (unless you’re self-employed). Employers pay an additional 7.65%, but they are not required by law to match this amount on their employees'; behalf since they aren't covered under these plans themselves. #ENDWRITE Workers Compensation Workers compensation is a program that provides benefits to employees who are injured on the job. It covers medical costs, lost wages, and other expenses. For most businesses, workers' compensation insurance is mandatory for all employees who earn at least $100 per week in your business or any other business where you work. If you have one or more employees working for your company, including yourself, then you must have workers' compensation coverage in place before they can begin working for you. The majority of small businesses fall into this category because they only have one or two employees. And here's something important to know: if you don't purchase workers' comp insurance within 30 days of hiring someone (or when they start), state law may allow them to sue you personally for damages if they're injured on the job! This includes injuries suffered by visiting friends and family members who visit while doing work- related tasks at home (like housework) but aren't technically employed by either party involved here - which means both employee AND employer should always be aware of their legal responsibilities surrounding workplace safety conditions like these! Unemployment insurance Unemployment insurance is a benefit that the government provides to people who are unemployed. If you lose your job, you can apply for unemployment insurance, which will help pay your bills while you look for another job. To receive unemployment insurance benefits in most states, you must meet the following criteria: ● You must be able to work and available for work (you cannot be retired). ● You have worked enough hours during an established time period (usually six months or a year) before losing your job. ● Your employer must have paid into state funds during this time period as well - if not, they will not be able to pay any benefits when they end up in need themselves! Withholding tax Withholding tax is a type of tax that employers are required to pay on behalf of their employees. The goal of this system is to ensure that everyone pays their share, and it also helps to ensure the timely payment of taxes. In order for withholding tax to work, the employer must withhold income tax from each paycheck given to an employee. The employer will then send the withheld money along with other information on their employees (including Social Security number) to their state or federal government. This money will then be used by the government as part of paying off your taxes at the end of each year. As a small business owner, you need only worry about withholding taxes if: ● You have employees who earn over $200 in a calendar quarter (or $100 if they're married and filing jointly). If so, then you'll likely need some form of payroll service like Intuit's QuickBooks Online Payroll which can handle all aspects including calculating what percentage each employee should pay based on how much they made during that time period plus any deductions related such as FICA taxes (Social Security/Medicare). ● Whether or not you plan on having any full-time employees but instead focus more heavily on independent contractors who come into your office sporadically throughout each week/month depending on project needs versus salaried staff who typically put in regular eight-hour days five days out seven weeks per month regardless of whether something comes up unexpectedly or not''; Sales tax (if applicable) Sales tax is a large part of the retail cost of goods and services. In most states, sales tax is collected by the state government on behalf of local governments. In addition to collecting sales taxes, some states also impose an excise tax on certain items such as alcohol or tobacco products. The following are some examples of common types of service businesses that may be subject to state and/or local sales taxes: Excise tax (if applicable) Excise taxes are a subset of excise duties, which are also known as indirect taxes. Excise tax is usually a percentage of the sale price of a specific good or service, and is paid by the manufacturer or producer rather than passed on to the consumer. The purpose of an excise tax is to raise revenue for government spending priorities like infrastructure projects, education, and healthcare programs. In the United States, it's possible that if you're running your own small business in these industries (or any other industry), you might be subject to an excises tax: ● Pharmaceuticals ● Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products ● Firearms Making sure you're paying all of your taxes correctly helps you avoid trouble. As a small business owner, you'll need to pay taxes. But what kind of taxes? And how much do you owe? If you're unsure, you should get help from a tax professional who can make sure that your business is paying the correct amount of tax and in the right way. Making sure that your business has filed its tax returns correctly will help avoid trouble down the road—and keeping on top of your taxes can also save money by reducing penalties and fines. Conclusion In conclusion, there are many taxes that you need to be aware of as a small healthcare business. We hope this article has given you some insight into how these taxes work and what they mean for your business.
A scenario of macroeconomic uncertainties in financial markets are the backdrop of the second half of the year and draws us to a recession after the record of historical inflation rates in Europe, in the first half of the year. The US is not far behind with an almost double digit IPC, although its good job creation data seem to tighten the rope to the contraction of the economy so far this year. China also, on the edge of stagflation, has been marked by strict confinements that punish its economy. double-digit In Europe, the one that began as an invasion from Russia to Ukraine; It has placed us in a nightmare: the price of raw materials, food, gas, or fuel has dedicated us to thinking that next winter will be financially stressful. An unprecedented food crisis is also glimpsed. We talk about uncertainty about a war that continues to shoot the price of raw materials and, accuses a growing loss of purchasing power in companies and families. Uncertainty in the evolution of monetary policy, the level of interest rates, and their consequences. An economic storm is drawn with the riders of the apocalypse and universal mythology. The black horse: hunger. The red horse: war. The yellow horse: death. However, capering the storm, like that mysterious rider of the white horse, hope appears in the form of seven stamps that are forging a new economy characterized by sustainable, inclusive finances, socially responsible investment, with environmental, social, and governance criteria, the evolution of crypto active. All elements will contribute to transforming this increasingly dystopian and collapsing world. In spite of this complex context, we must positively value the trends that charge strength, and that we present in the form of stamps with influencers of the industry, to deal with this historical cycle in finance and the economy: 1. Advances in the field of sustainability: In the last two years, the regulations on sustainability has experienced a real revolution. The first seal, stresses that "sustainable investments began the year with difficulty: the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the energy supercycle and the eco-label"; Green Premium "have exerted significant pressure on sustainable investment. However, not everything is bad: multiple taxonomies introduce new frameworks through which we can establish, build and regulate sustainable activities; a growing list of companies, organizations, and governments are committed to the zero greenhouse gas initiative; and a combination of participation and divestment could effectively steer the largest emitters towards a greener environment. 2. Fastest growth of Fintech: The AEFI (Spanish Association of Fintech and Insurrect), draws the second seal. According to the employer, there are more than 350 Startup Fintech in Spain, which is behind the United Kingdom as the second country where more innovative initiatives are being born within a said ecosystem, generating around 10,000 jobs. The great challenge for the second semester of the year is to see the Light of Startup, which can give greater impulse to the medium-term ecosystem. This has also enabled sustainable investments. 3. Active crypto boom, despite the falls . Cryptactives have broken into the world of finance, international payments and remittances, banking, insurance, financial derivatives, and an amount of other industries with real-life consequences. The crypto market has been very correlated with geopolitical events worldwide, from the increase in types of interest rates to the Ukrainian war has led to big downfalls. 4. Acceleration of virtual technologies . Metaverse is in full development and, continuing with the previous trend, supposes for crypto actives a greater adoption, since it is a case of natural use and without technological or business friction. The website can really leave obsolete as we know it now to move on to a web3.0 environment where if a company is not, there is not, analogous to what happened with the rise of social networks in the last decade ”. 5. Modernization of traditional sectors by decentralized finances. New ventures give light thanks to the development of Blockchain. 6. Training in new finances through specialized communities. Thus, from Tutellus, they demonstrate that the sixth seal of finance against a potential recession is undoubtedly the education that also faces the development of projects and the investment in ideas that want to improve society, promoting freedom and financial education. More than 180,000 free and payment of the topics related to the new financial ecosystem and 2 million students, of which 90,000 have made crypto training and more than 1,000 have passed through added value bootcamps are an example of new professional profiles inside of the scope of decentralized finances. 7. Precisely, the seventh seal is based on the new business patterns that will mark a before and after financial services. Some retail stores operate with blockchain as technology It is necessary to invest in blockchain and help professional investors to interact with this type of digital assets.” The new projects that are now in the Top 20 for stock market capitalization were generated during the last bearish cycles (Binance, Polkadot, Solana and Polygon). It is very likely that during this bearish cycle projects are being formed that two / three years have an important relevance. Regulation will play a fundamental role. The US has acknowledged that it wants to continue being the financial capital in the new cycle of the digital economy. A project law agreed by Republicans and Democrats was recently approved and is already in a phase of modifications with the idea that it will see the light in 2023, while Europe has the Mica project with the challenge that the regulations can be applied in 2024.
Drop shipping supplements can be great or it can be awful. When you start your company with eyes wide open it’s easy to avoid the pitfalls of supplement drop shipping but that means seeing the benefits and understanding the potential risks. So let’s discuss six things you need to know before you start drop shipping. 3 Benefits of Drop Shipping Supplements Drop shipping is one of the hottest e-commerce business models at the moment. It’s low-risk and easy to set up and you never have to hold inventory and the product goes directly from the supplier to your customer. Here are just a few benefits of drop shipping supplements… 1. Great Way to Build a Business Quickly Drop shipping is a great way to build a business quickly because you don’t have to put in as much work as building your own business from the ground up. The drop shipper has already done the work for you of sourcing products and building out fulfillment. You don’t have to worry about ordering inventory and waiting on shipments to arrive before you can start selling. You also don’t need to worry about figuring out the best fulfillment options or buying any of that equipment either. All you need to do is build your website and start selling and you can do that in less than a day depending on your design and tech skills and which platform you’re using. 2. Supplements are in High Demand Drop shipping supplements is especially intriguing because supplements are in high demand. They’re currently a $121.6 billion industry and it’s expected to hit $278.02 billion by 2024. You can jump into this market right away by drop-shipping some of the most popular supplements on the market. A staggering 68% of Americans take dietary supplements. That’s a big market that is only expected to keep growing. 3. Cheap Way to Start a Company Not only can you build a drop shipping supplement company quickly, but you can also build one pretty cheaply. Many people opt for drop shipping supplements because they don’t have to pay for or hold inventory. You only pay for the product as you sell it. Most private-label supplement companies require a minimum order quantity (MOQ) of at least 50. That can add up fast depending on the supplement you purchase. The price per unit could be as much as $6 and you still have to label and ship the product yourself. Drop shipping supplements is even a great way to test the market in a low-risk way, even if you already own a supplement company. 3 Supplement Drop Shipping Pitfalls to Avoid While there are a lot of advantages to drop shipping supplements, don't let rose colored glasses get in your way of seeing the risks before you jump in. 1. Not All Supplement Drop Shippers Are Good When you’re working with a drop shipping company to sell supplements you’re not really working with the manufacturer, you’re working with a supplier. It’s hard to know where they got their product or if it’s the real deal. It’s important to do your research on the drop ship company you’re working with to make sure their products are legit before you turn around and start selling them to your customers. 2. You’re Legally Responsible This brings us to our next point. The reason it’s so important to be sure about the quality of the product that you’re selling is because you’re the one legally responsible. If the product you sell to a customer somehow makes them sick or is poor quality, you’re the one at risk, not your supplier. That’s why it’s so important to research the drop ship company and research the products that you’ll be shipping. 3. You’re Not Building Your Own Brand One of the major drawbacks of drop shipping supplements is that you’re not building your brand, you’re building someone else’s. Think of yourself as a retailer like Walmart. You’re selling another brand’s product and making money off of it, but your customer could just as easily find that same product at Target. In the cutthroat world of drop shipping sometimes it comes down to competing on price without much customer loyalty. In this way, you’re not promoting your brand or your own products, you’re promoting someone else’s brand and products.